By investing in machine safeguarding products, companies can prevent injuries and protect their workers.
Machine Danger
Employees who work with unguarded equipment are at risk for lacerations and body crushing injuries. In most cases, machines feature moving parts that can compress fingers, feet or hands as well as cause amputations or blindness. Machines that expel heat may burn workers while a large unit may be responsible for an employee death. When workers receive a machine-related injury, such as an amputation, the result often cripples the recipient for the rest of his or her life.
About Machine Safety Products
Machine guards are physical barricades that installation experts build around the moving parts of factory machines. The safeguards feature design elements that will protect employees from avoidable injuries that may occur from operating a machine. The protection devices are available for different types of machines that are used in various industries.
Types of Machine Safeguarding Products
Companies that work with dangerous chemicals may use pumps, and with a pump guard, a company can protect its workers from chemical burns and lung damage. The protection device features durable materials that will resist rusting and dents. In addition, the pump guard is easy to install and remove.
A kit guard will protect fingers and tools because the device’s design does not include an open netting material. Instead, the product has smooth edges and will eliminate electrical danger as it is nonconductive. The kit guard is adaptable and durable.
Interlocked devices feature a tripping element that will automatically power off or disengage the machine’s moving parts. Companies can choose from a variety of interlocked products depending on their machines. For instance, protection mechanisms can be electrical, hydraulic or mechanical. In addition, the safeguards may feature a combination of protection methods.
Machine guarding products include a bright orange coating to identify the item’s purpose. In addition, the protection products have warning labels for enhanced worker safety. With the guarding device’s stainless steel hardware, companies can confidently install the safety product outside in hot climates where the sun will shine down on it day after day or in areas that feature wet weather like rain and snow.
Machine guarding products include materials and construction that will last for many years. Therefore, a company’s initial investment is likely to pay for itself through reduced insurance costs and better safety records. When companies choose to protect their employees with machine guarding, they’ll create a safe and desirable work environment.