OSHA InspectionThe following was prepared by the Sherman & Howard LLC law firm, www.shermanhoward.com.

Part I: Selecting a Company Representative

The most important step to take before an OSHA inspection even takes place is selecting a company representative. The company representative is the individual charged with representing the company’s interests during an OSHA inspection. The representative, ideally the Safety and Health Director or Manager or someone in upper management, should be well-versed in OSHA standards applicable to the business, health and safety conditions of the workplace under inspection, location of required records to be kept under OSHA (e.g. training records, OSHA 300 logs, written program etc.) and the company’s health and safety program. A well-versed representative is also familiar with OSHA’s own internal procedures for handling an OSHA inspection, the Field Inspection Reference Manual or FIRM at http://www.osha.gov/Firm_osha_toc/Firm_toc_by_sect.html.  If the facility is in an OSHA state plan state, the person should be familiar with the FIRM of that particular state.  A list of state plan programs is located at https://www.osha.gov/stateplans.

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